Wednesday, February 9, 2011


But what when it's blocked?
Intuition, intuition- listen to your intuition.
That feeling inside, let it guide.

A slow disintegration
That starts with the failure of your earliest missions
The realization that nothings what it seems
and that often you can't trust even your own vision

A late night exploration
The bathroom lit with candles and the faucet dripping
water rebounds off ancient porcelain,
the drip drop echos the cold stillness of an unheated house
the sits alone in the depths of winter snow

The flickering yellow mixed with the black creates a dark warm orange that glimmers on the mirror
And your reflection looks strangely unfamiliar
and it furthers itself then
the extraction of belief in the self
the severing of connection from the source
the doubt begins to sink in.

A line, a smooth thin line, is drawn
between you and what you once thought you were
and intuition mimics when you question yourself
and you question him

Once, I wanted to fade into everything you were
Once, intuition told me yes
But the yes faded into no's
as the distance furthered between candles,
unlit on an uneven layered birthday cake
I wonder when it was I lost you
and how to find you again
When yes means no, and no is yes, and I keep going on and on,
over it and over it again in my head
And no answer ever seems true
But doubt in my own intuition.

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