Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Long Distance

So here I sit,
from a stationary post,
there's no need for movement,
this disintegrates all on its own.

You're an idea,
ghosts revolving in my head
a play I create, characters molded from people I once knew,
with a bit of added fabrication
People we used to be.

And I sit, there is nothing I need to do
This play is already written, and being perfectly acted out
And I'm not doing a single thing to try and stop the show from going on
or to rewrite a happy ending.

I imagine you
You imagine me
I remember once we lived together
and once you noticed how I wore mismatched socks
and how the first time I rested in your arms it began to pour outside
and I watched it drip down the glass on your door

I imagine you and I remember sitting on stones
The middle of a creek
and it was cold and November
and rain fell down
splashing creating rings
that we became mesmerized by, letting our minds fall in to the places where they went

A ressurection
Its been attempted a few times
But nails driven in,
always leave their holes.

I wish you would ask
I wish you were more than just in my head
I hold you up and it all falls down soon after I see you
and this all feels so dead
when it once felt alive

There's a fence in a field
the field, its filled with new green grass shooting up trying to reach the source of light
but it never can

Yearning, and pillow cases stained with black where mascara runs
And a lack of understanding
No more creekside moments
No more rain tapping against window panes
No more opening the door and stepping out to let it in and see stars in the patches where clouds break apart

It's only soild tears, grey heavy skies, and the strange thought that I can discover the sun more easily on my own.
This is long distance, at it's close.

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