Saturday, March 12, 2011


walking walking there was a river and the water wasn't blue
it was eerily idle sullen and still dripping dripping soft cold water down canyon walls soaking the green mixing in with the grey rocks lined with ferns all growing in spots that made you wonder at how much they held on to the steep wall lateral lateral looking to fall
But they don't
they don't come down to where you are now floating along slowly moving with the sound
of slow slapping waves writhing around searching for an outlet a place to go but that waters are flowing full mixing back in no way to reach out
lapping up against the rocks against the cold stone sides trapped in a dance that lasts forever in time
circular circular around and around
there are books pages floating surround
you reach for them but you can't read them
words blur in your eyes water soaks in and takes them away lingering remnants and now you move on
the water moves you forward
rushing rushing so slowly but yet its rushing
moving moving but so thick and so stuck
green brown you look down but you can't see can't feel the ground
cold embracing bringing you in mixing with your skin
now you see finally a break in the channel sand plants life free
swim desperately
drag yourself out, feel the water seeping up sinking into ground then recessing back with a seeping sucking sound.

Move into the dark into the green leaves leaves damp
walk for a distance and you are back at waters edge
but this time its different- its thick and its blue and its not concerned with you.
drawing drawing it takes you in. warm. engulfing. fluid. full.
let the hands lift you, up from beneath, eyes to the sky body left beneath mind flutters upwards to the canopy in the trees insects and birds and you just BREATHE.

Then suddenly quickly, without your consent, feel it pulling you dragging you under.
slow-motion. the water. thirsty thirsty. drink drink. you don't want it you don't need it but wait what happened?
Now you have it.
When did it grow dark?
where did the light remember you thought..the books. the books. wander back stumble wet, hot.  humid air.  back to the beach.
hear the angry clashing of water against water, frustrated waves...rapids. rapids.
let go. walk in. you can't see but you don't care.
let go. let go. feel the flurry

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